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Virtual Oilfield - Version 2.0


The Virtual Oilfield platform simulates the operation of a typical hydrocarbon production station or battery.

The intention of this application is not to represent exactly the functions of a battery, but to show its immersive capabilities for training purposes.

The arrangement and functionality of the Battery elements were based on a basic and standard design of a transfer station, as well as the flow, temperature, and pressure parameters.

The Battery is composed of sig. elements:


10-entry manifold:

It is configured with individual parameters of fluid flow rates, Water percentages, and independent Gas flow rates with a range of variations taken from wells and manifolds.  real field.

(Data based on average reservoir parameters  San Jorge Gulf area).

Each valve interacts independently and its state influences the global variables of the system, both flow rates, and pressures.

The interactivity allows putting the desired wells to any of the two available test lines.

It has high-pressure alarms due to the involuntary closing of fluid inlet valves and due to their wrong configuration.

Both the general line and the test lines have pressure gauges with scales in PSI and kg / cm2.



They are indirect and have the control elements, such as regulating and safety valves. In addition to pressure and temperature measuring instruments.

Water level: the water level can be checked and a very low level will produce a cut in the main flame, in addition to high vapor pressure registered by the corresponding pressure gauge or vacuum gauge.

The color of the main flame can be seen through the sight glass, as well as the status of the pilot flame.

The gas pipeline can be purged with the respective valve in case of liquid accumulation, with the option of lighting the pilot in case of being turned off.

All instruments react depending on the state of the heater, fluid circulation or not, and ambient temperature conditions (15º)

The main flame will only ignite with fluid circulation and normal conditions.

Pipeline pressure will rise if the dispatch heater is turned off.

The dispatch heater inlet and outlet gauges, which are scaled up to 3000 PSI, will register this increase.


Test Separators:

They are of the three-phase type and discharge the fluid to the general separator and the gas for further processing.

It separates the gas, oil, and water phases with the function of being measured.

They have a Blanketing system, which automatically pressurizes the separator, if necessary so that it can discharge the fluid downstream.

This valve is in the upper part of the body and can be checked along with the working pressures.

If this system fails, the separator can fill up and cause gas line problems.


General tab:

It is of the two-phase type and fulfills the function of separating the liquid phase from the gas in order to measure the discharge of the fluid towards the storage tanks and the gas towards its processing in the cooler and scrubber.  


Gas Treatment System:

The STG is made up of a radiator and a scrubber.

Scrubber of 750 mm in diameter and 2,800 mm in height.



Storage Tanks:

The battery consists of two tanks with a total capacity of 360 m3 and they are fed with fluid from the general separator.

The level is registered by a measuring ruler by mechanical action.

The tanks also have a level control to activate the recirculation valve and maintain a working level of 25%.

Alarms x High level in Tanks exceeding 45%, Very high level in Tanks just before they overflow and Low level below 20%.

Discharge to pool exceeding the very high level.


Transfer Pumps:

There are two positive displacement pistons with variable frequency drive, with a maximum performance of 1250 m3 / d each.

In a normal tank level, their duty cycle is 50% and they automatically adjust their capacity based on the tank level.

They can be turned on / off individually and their status affects global system variables.

They can be turned off due to power failure, which can be checked on the control panel.

The reduction box straps can be cut and checked through the strap cover door.


Recirculation bridge:

It has bypass valves and a 6 ”manipulable bypass, a normally open control that opens and closes pneumatically with the signal from the tank level meter.

The most frequent failure is the involuntary opening of the same due to lack of pneumatic pressure in the automation system, which can be visualized with the device's pressure gauges.

The FR67 regulator can be purged to unlock the device.

The opening of the pneumatic supply valve should also be checked.


Air compressor:

Feeds is the pneumatic control system.

Its operation can be controlled by turning it on and off and opening / closing the pressurized air supply valve.

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The simulator has two modes of operation:


Normal / Learning mode:

It allows going through the installations of the Battery and all its components. The parameters of each element can be checked through the measuring instruments.

In addition, it has interactive informative posters, which are accessed by proximity.

In this mode, the battery is in equilibrium, the levels in normal tanks and pumps at their working regime.

You can interact with most of the active devices which will modify the global variables.

Through the main menu, it is possible to reestablish the initial state not only of valves but also of the main components.

Show manifold valves, instruments ... how it affects heaters and measurement on separators. Flames, temperatures, vapor pressure, and water level.

General line valves, Control valves, compressor.

Recirculation bridge, pumps.


Contingency mode:

The objective of the platform is to train the Production Supervisor to maintain the efficiency of the facilities.

The operator will have to deal with and resolve typical situations, the platform will simulate an imbalance in which the performance of the battery will be affected by particular cases in real life.

For this, the supervisor has a Tablet, which shows the main parameters that govern the system in terms of flows, pressures, and general alarms, in addition to the battery's own instruments.

This will trigger 4 different failures in random order in several of the elements of the system, which must be resolved in the shortest possible time to maintain dispatch production.

Once the problem proposed by the simulator has been solved, a sign will indicate such an event, and immediately the next situation will be triggered in random order until all the resolutions are completed.


The scheduled failures are:


Incorrect configuration of inlet manifold valves

In this mode, the manifold valves will open/close randomly.

Resolution: check correct valve configuration, manipulating them if necessary, and check general line pressures and test lines. The tablet shows the erroneous status of the same.

By default, production line 1 is diverted to test line 1 and production line 2 to test line no. 2


Malfunctions in the heaters

The gas line will be affected by the liquid in it, the water level will drop so low to actuate the control valve.

Resolution: check, main and pilot flame, fluid inlet/outlet pressures and temperatures, water level/vapor pressure.

Light pilot flame after purging in the gas pipe.

Check the pressure gauges of the dispatch heater and resolve any water level and/or plumbing bleed problems.


Imbalance in the level of the tanks

The tank level will be set to a high level.

Resolution: after checking the recirculation bridge status, check the pneumatic pressure stop valve, air compressor status and stop valve, purge the control valve if necessary and configure the opening/closing of the bridge valves. correctly.


Defects in transfer pumps

They may turn off unexpectedly and/or need to change the belts.

Resolution:  Check transfer pump ignition, condition of belts, and performance of the same.

Turn them on and/or replace the belt if necessary.


In the future they will be implemented in both Separators and Gas Processing.


Working parameters:

Fluid range in manifold ports: 12 - 275 m3 / d

Gas Range:  0 - 800000 m3 / d

General line pressure: 4Kg / cm2 / 60 PSI

Pressure in Test lines: General Line + ½ Kg / cm2

Pneumatic pressure in control line: 30 PSI

The average temperature in inlet fluid:  60 ºC

The differential temperature in heaters: 17 ºC

Ambient temperature: 15º

The nominal temperature in tanks: 45ºC

Total capacity in tanks: 360 m3

Tank work percentage: 25%

High-level alarm: 45%

Very high-level alarm: 90%

Transfer pumps: 1248 m3 / d each

Delivery Pressure: 98 PSI

Delivery pressure with boiler off 265 PSI

Dispatch temperature: 62º

Recirculation valve activation, Tank Level <20% with minimum pump performance

The Pumps automatically adjust the performance based on the difference of the level of tanks to the level of work.

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